This important and special Ministry was instituted to aid priests and deacons so that Holy Communion can be distributed in a reverent and orderly manner.
The US Conference of Bishops has an extensive document describing this ministry - please click HERE.
The ministry of the Lector is instituted to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel.
The US Conference of Bishops explains the role and responsibilities of the Lector HERE.
The role of Usher varies by parish. Here at Corpus Christi, our ushers greet people as they enter the Church for liturgical celebrations including Sunday Mass. As such they welcome all who attend and tend to any needs or questions that arise. The Ushers are responsible for the collection during the Offering as well as being a part of the procession during the Presentation of the Gifts. This ministry is always in need of people willing to help the parish.
Information for Ministers helping as Altar Servers